RRC Open Meeting

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting (conference) for Wednesday, March 26,  at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in Room 7-100, the Public Utility Commissioners’ Hearing Room, on the 7th floor of the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
To view the webcast visit https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rcc/open_meeting.

About Oil & Gas Data Queries

Each query below is one slice of the larger Oil and Gas System.


  • Wellbore Query – A wellbore is the hole in the ground.  Each wellbore is assigned a number referred to as the API number.  The wellbore may contain one or more completions (well) down in the hole, or it may be a dry hole.  Each completion (well) is identified by a District number and oil Lease number or gas well ID number.  This query provides the ability to search for wells by well type, district, oil lease number/gas well id, county, field, operator, drilling permit number, API number.  You may also select current wells on proration schedule or historical wells off schedule or both. Counts are available for current wells by district, county, field, and operator. Updated Daily.
  • Underground Injection Control (UIC) Query – Some wells are used to inject water or gas such as CO2 to stimulate production, or may be used to dispose of produced salt water into underground formations.  These wells are permitted and tracked by the UIC system.  This query provides the ability to search for injection and disposal (UIC) wells by well type, district, oil lease number, gas well id, county, field, operator, UIC number, original authority date, API number, top injection zone depth, bottom injection zone depth, H-1 number, W-14 number, H-10 status, and permitted fluid. Specific UIC data is available by well. Updated Daily.
  • Severance Query – Every oil and gas lease is issued a Producer’s Transportation Authority and Certificate of Compliance (Form P-4) and is subject to having that Authority severed when RRC rules are violated. This query provides the ability to search for severed leases by well type, district, oil lease number, gas well id, field, operator, severance/seal cert. letter issued by, severance/seal cert. letter reason, certified letter date, and severance/seal category. Specific severance data is available by lease. Updated Daily.
  • P-4 Gatherer/Purchaser Query– Every oil and gas lease must designate on the Producer’s Transportation Authority and Certificate of Compliance (Form P-4) the company that will transport the product off the lease (Gatherer) and the company that will purchase the product first (Purchaser.)  This query provides the ability to search for gatherer and purchaser information by well type, district, oil lease number, gas well id, field, operator, gatherer/purchaser, gatherer/purchaser P-4 number, or gatherer product. Updated Daily.
  • Gas Proration Schedule Query– Every gas well that is actively producing or is subject to RRC regulation will be carried on the master list known as the Gas Proration Schedule.  The RRC calculates how much each well is allowed to produce each month, referred to as a monthly allowable, for every actively producing well.  Gas wells that have been plugged and abandoned will not be on this list and are referred to as historical wells (see Wellbore.) This query provides the ability to search for gas wells by well type, field type, or operator and retrieves gas allowable information for the current schedule month.  Updated Daily.
  • Oil Proration Schedule Query – Every oil well that is actively producing or intends to produce in the future will be carried on the master list known as the Oil Proration Schedule.  The RRC calculates how much each well is allowed to produce each month, referred to as a monthly allowable, for every actively producing well.  Oil wells that have been plugged and abandoned will not be on this list and are referred to as historical wells (see Wellbore.) This query provides the ability to search for oil wells by well type, field type, or operator and retrieves oil allowable information for the current schedule month.  Updated Daily.
  • Organization (P-5) Query – Every company (operator) that wants to conduct oil and gas business in the State of Texas and is subject to the rules of the RRC must file an Organization Report (Form P-5) which designates the name of the company, address, contact information, officers of the company, and financial assurance information.  The RRC issues a P-5 number that is unique for that operator.  This query provides the ability to search by operator name or number and retrieves detailed information for that organization.  Updated Daily.
  • Inactive Well Aging Report –The Inactive Well Aging Report (“IWAR”) is a listing of wells carried on the Commission’s proration schedules. The wells included on this list are those which are considered “Inactive” under Oil & Gas Statewide Rule 14. For each well (among other information) the listing includes the “Shut-in Date” which indicates the first month of inactivity on Commission records. Each well also includes the length of inactivity. This query provides the ability to search for inactive well data by operator, district, field or county. Updated Monthly.
