Nonpoint Source (NPS) Grant Projects - Petronila Creek
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded a nonpoint source grant to the Railroad Commission of Texas for the investigation of the nature and extent of known salinity contamination in Petronila Creek, Nueces County. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has placed Petronila Creek on the state's 303(d) list because it does not meet water quality standards. The RRC will use this grant to conduct various activities to reduce the high salinity that contributes to water quality degradation.
Project Location
Geographic Scope: | Nueces-Rio Grand Coastal Basin Watershed, Petronila Creek, Nueces County |
Ecoregion: | Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes |
Surface Water Segment: | Segment 2204 |
Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): | 1211025 |
Aquifer(s): | Gulf Coast |
Project Reports (PDFs) 
- Conceptual Site Model - Petronila Creek, Nueces county - August 2009
- Soil Feasibility Study Addendum - Petronila Creek, Nueces county - August 2009
- Soil Feasibility Study Part 1 - Petronila Creek, Nueces county - September 2008
- Soil Feasibility Study Part 2 - Petronila Creek, Nueces county - September 2008
- Records Review, Site Reconnaissance Results and Recommendations - Petronila Creek, Nueces county - August 2006
- Final Phase III Investigative Report on Petronila Creek - May 2008
- Quarterly Report for Segment 2204 - Petronila Creek, Nueces county -August 2009
Site Map
Select map to display larger image (PDF) of well locations in the vicinity of Petronila Creek
Additional NPS grant projects
- Colorado River upstream of Spence Reservoir, Howard and Mitchell counties
- Colorado River downstream of Spence Reservoir, Coke and Runnels counties
- NPS Grant Project Home