National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 Consultation

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, this website announces the opportunity for the public or local governments to comment on forthcoming well plugging projects funded under Section 40601 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. As part of these undertakings, no new infrastructure is expected to be built. The area impacted is generally 200 feet or less around the oil or gas well site. The Commission determines which wells to plug based on its well plugging prioritization system, focusing on those oil and gas wells that pose the highest risk to the environment.
A list of known orphaned wells across Texas is available for review. 

The general scope of the proposed activities may include:

  • Providing for site access, primarily using existing roadways. Limited instances may require temporary road construction or driving equipment off-road to the well site.
  • Transporting heavy machinery to well sites (e.g., workover rigs, wireline, and cement trucks).
  • Testing to determine if methane gas is leaking from the orphaned well prior to plugging, quantification of emissions where present, and confirmation of no emissions of methane after plugging.
  • Bleeding and proper disposal of hydrocarbons that may be remaining in a well into a steel tank.
  • Removing wellbore obstructions, such as old casing, tubing, wiring, and pump rods.
  • Pumping cement downhole to set plugs at intervals of the wellbore to prevent the migration of harmful fluids or gases into other formations, freshwater aquifers, and the surface. Mechanical plugs may also be placed at certain intervals.
  • Post-plugging excavation of casing to three feet below the surface grade, cutting of metal casing, and backfilling and grading hole to discourage pooling of water.
  • Sampling of soil and other remediation activities in instances where contamination of soil or other media is suspected due to conditions at the well site.
  • Disposing of contaminated waste through proper methods.
  • Removing and properly disposing of hazardous infrastructure.

Please use the form below to submit any interests or concerns related to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act in areas identified for possible orphaned well plugging, remediation, and restoration activities.

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Please share your interests or concerns related to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act in areas identified for possible orphaned well plugging, remediation, and restoration activities.
