RRC Open Meeting

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting (conference) for Wednesday, March 26,  at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in Room 7-100, the Public Utility Commissioners’ Hearing Room, on the 7th floor of the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
To view the webcast visit https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rcc/open_meeting.

Injection-Storage Permits

The Railroad Commission of Texas regulates several types of injection wells under a federally approved Underground Injection Control (UIC) program under the Safe Drinking Water Act. These include wells for enhanced recovery, waste disposal, liquid hydrocarbon storage, brine mining, geothermal and other injection wells. The Commission also regulates wells for underground gas storage.

Permit Types & Information

EPA Evaluations of Texas Underground Control Program
