Commissioner Christian Appointed to Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) by Governor Greg Abbott

April 11, 2017

AUSTIN– Today, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian to serve as the Official Representative of Texas to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC). 

“It is an honor to serve as the Official Representative for our state, and I would like to thank Governor Abbott for this appointment,” Commissioner Christian said.

“Texas is the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the United States and with this position, I intend to ensure our state has a stronger voice at the national level.” 

"With a business-friendly administration in Washington, now is our opportunity to reign in the out-of-control federal government and reduce burdensome, frivolous regulations on energy producers," continued Christian. "I look forward to working with other member states to explore opportunities to expand responsible production to create jobs and grow our economy." 

The IOGCC is one of the oldest and largest interstate compacts in the nation, working to ensure our nation's oil and natural gas resources are conserved and maximized while protecting health, safety and the environment. It was formed over 80 years ago when several states joined together to resolve common issues in the industry without federal intervention. 

Membership is comprised of the current governor of each member state, as well as additional representatives appointed by governors. The IOGCC serves as the governors’ collective voice on oil and gas issues and advocates states’ rights to govern the petroleum resources within their borders. 

Christian’s on-going responsibilities as Representative include serving as spokesman for the group in Texas, meeting with the Governor to discuss current issues, authoring/sponsoring IOGCC resolutions, voting during business session, participating in committees and regularly attending meetings. 

Christian’s appointment to the IOGCC is effective immediately and shall remain in force until otherwise directed. 

A lifelong conservative businessman, Wayne Christian was elected to join the Railroad Commission of Texas in November 2016. In 1996, Christian was elected to the House of Representatives as the first Republican elected from Deep East Texas since Reconstruction after the Civil War. During his time in the Texas House, Christian served as Vice-Chair of Regulated Industries and as a multi-term member of the Energy Resource Committee. On these committees, he had direct oversight of the Railroad Commission and accumulated a strong record of standing for free markets and against burdensome regulations.

About the Railroad Commission:
Our mission is to serve Texas by our stewardship of natural resources and the environment, our concern for personal and community safety, and our support of enhanced development and economic vitality for the benefit of Texans. The Commission has a long and proud history of service to both Texas and to the nation, including more than 100 years regulating the oil and gas industry. The Commission also has jurisdiction over alternative fuels safety, natural gas utilities, surface mining and intrastate pipelines. Established in 1891, the Railroad Commission of Texas is the oldest regulatory agency in the state. To learn more, please visit