RRC Open Meeting

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting (conference) for Wednesday, March 26,  at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in Room 7-100, the Public Utility Commissioners’ Hearing Room, on the 7th floor of the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
To view the webcast visit https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rcc/open_meeting.

LPG License Categories

Any organization that performs any of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) activities described below in Texas is required to be a licensee of the Railroad Commission.

LPG License Categories and Authorized Activities

Category A.   ASME/DOT.  Assemble, repair, install, subframe, test, and sell both ASME and DOT containers/cylinders, including motor or mobile fuel containers and systems; repair and install transport and transfer systems.

Category A-1.   ASME. Assemble, repair, install, subframe, test and sell ASME containers, including motor or mobile fuel containers and systems; repair and install transport and transfer systems.

Category A-2.   DOT. Assemble, repair, install, subframe, test, and sell DOT cylinders.

Category B.   Transport Outfitter.   Subframe, test, and sell transport containers; test LP-gas storage containers; install, test and sell LP-gas motor or mobile fuel containers and systems; install and repair transport systems and motor or mobile fuel systems.

Category C.   Carrier.   Transport LP-gas in a transport equipped with one or more containers; load and unload LP-gas; install and repair transport systems.

Category D.   General Installers and Repairmen.   Sell, service, and install containers, except motor fuel containers; service, install and repair piping and certain appliances as defined by rule, excluding recreational vehicle appliances and systems and motor fuel and recreational vehicle systems; sell, service, install and repair LP-gas containers, systems and appliances in manufactured homes.

Category E.   Retail/Wholesale Dealer.   Store, sell, transport and distribute LP-gas and perform all other categories of licensed activities except the manufacture, fabrication, assembly, repair, subframing, and testing of LP-gas containers and the sale and installation of LP-gas motor or mobile fuel systems rated at more than 25 horsepower.

Category F.   Cylinder Filling.   Operate a cylinder-filling facility, including cylinder filling, the sale of LP-gas in cylinders, and the replacement of cylinder valves.

Category G.   Service Station.   Operate an LP-gas dispensing station to fill ASME motor or mobile fuel containers.

Category H.   Cylinder Dealer.   Transport and sell LP-gas in cylinders.

Category I.   Service Station and Cylinder Filling.   Operate any service station and cylinder activity set out in Category F and G.  

Category J.   Service Station and Cylinder Facility.   Sell, transport, install and connect LP-gas in cylinders; operate a cylinder filling facility, including cylinder filling and, the replacement of cylinder valves; operate an LP-gas service station as set out in Category G.  

Category K.   Distribution System.   Sell and distribute LP-gas through mains or pipes; install and repair LP-gas systems.

Category L.   Engine Fuel.   Sell and install LP-gas motor or mobile fuel containers and fuel systems on engines.

Category M.   Recreational Vehicle Installers and Repairmen.   Sell, service and install recreational vehicle containers; install, repair and service recreational vehicle appliances, piping, and LP-gas systems, including recreational vehicle motor or mobile fuel systems and containers.

Category N.   Manufactured Housing Installers and Repairmen.   Service and install containers that supply fuel to manufactured housing; install, repair and service appliances and piping systems for manufactured housing.

Category O.   Testing Laboratory.   Test LP-gas containers, LP-gas motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems to determine the safety of the containers or systems for LP-gas service, including the necessary installation, disconnection, reconnection, testing, and repair of LP-gas motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems involved in the testing of containers.

Category P.   Portable Cylinder Exchange.   Operate a portable cylinder exchange service, where LP-gas is sold in portable cylinders whose LP-gas capacity does not exceed 21 pounds, where the portable cylinders are not filled on-site, and where no other LP-gas activity requiring a license is conducted.   See LP-Gas Safety Rules §9.17, Designation and Responsibilities of Company Representatives and Operational Supervisors, for options for Category P licensees.

Container Manufacturer Registration. Manufacture, assembly, repair, testing and sale of LP-gas containers.
