Office Closures

Due to inclement winter weather in Texas, the RRC's WBT and Promentory Point buildings in Austin, as well as Corpus Christi, Houston, Pampa and San Antonio District Offices, will be closed  Today, January 21. Employees are working from home. For oil and gas or pipeline emergencies, Call toll-free at 844-773-0305.

3.8 LP Gas Recreational Vehicle Appliances


Wednesday, July 14, 2021 - 8:00 AM

Tyler Meeder Equipment, 12157 Massey Ave

Tyler TX 75708

 View a map to this location

 More Information

This course covers servicing of recreational vehicles' LP-gas systems and appliances. 

This course is intended for new certification applicants or current certification holders looking to complete continuing education credit. Section 9.52 of the LP-Gas Safety Rules lists each course given and the certification level for which continuing education credit is given. 

There will be exams administered at the end of the course. Only course attendees may take the exam.

All individuals must be registered at least 7 days in advance of an event.

All events are subject to change please check this event page at least 24 hours before the day of the event.