Office Closures

Due to inclement winter weather in Texas, the RRC's WBT and Promentory Point buildings in Austin, as well as Corpus Christi, Houston, Pampa and San Antonio District Offices, will be closed  Today, January 21. Employees are working from home. For oil and gas or pipeline emergencies, Call toll-free at 844-773-0305.

RRC Open Meeting

Tuesday, March 08, 2022 - 9:30 AM

William B. Travis Bldg. 1701 Congress Ave.

Austin TX 78701

 View a map to this location

 More Information

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting for March 8, 2022. (all meetings are normally on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted). Notices of Open Meetings are filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. The Railroad Commission of Texas provides links to the agendas of the meetings.

The Railroad Commission of Texas Policy on Public Participation in Open Meetings.


Webcasts can be viewed live and are also archived for up to 6 months.  
To view a live or archived webcast, please visit our webcast home page.